Affordable yet flexible

Property Management Services in Whanganui

How it works

We have a property management department, with lower weekly management fees of $15pw, which includes three monthly inspections. We pay landlords on a weekly basis. As a landlord, this enables you to easily calculate your income, costs and outgoings. We offer our clients an affordable property management service that is flexible and also provides peace of mind. You can have the knowledge that we give backup and support when required. Our service provided is as follows with all associated cost and no hidden cost to the landlord.

Services Provided

  • Initial property inspection before the tenant moves in with photos taken and kept on our file for future reference 
  • Three monthly property inspections
  • Handling of all tenancies issues including rent arrears, disputes in Tenancy Tribunal Complaints and organizing any repairs or maintenance as required 
  • Final inspection when the tenant has departed and organizing and bond refund as required 
  • All rent monies are paid weekly to our landlords (unless the tenant is paying fortnightly)
  • All tenancy agreements are between the tenant and Ross Watson Real Estate and the tenant has no contact at all with our landlords, only Ross and Barbara Watson

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